Calf pain

Calf problems are closely related to problems with the Achilles tendon or heel spur (plantar fasciitis). Since the plantar fascia transitions into the Achilles tendon and calf musculature, the cause of pain may be found in these three areas among others. In most cases, the patient has begun to limp and their whole body is out of balance. Integrated therapy for this problem is therefore important, which means including the entire body (from head to toe) in training. In the kybun shoe or on the kybun mat, a natural rollover is possible and the foot can move freely in all directions. This relaxes and stretches the calf musculature and alleviates pain or cramping. Blood circulation is also stimulated, which speeds up the healing of an injury (pulled muscle).


The Achilles tendon (Tendo calcaneus or Tendo Achillis) is the common final tendon of the three-headed calf muscle (Musculus triceps surae), consisting of the two-headed calf muscle (Musculus Gastrocnemius) and the soleus muscle (Musculus soleus) to the heel.

See also: Heel spur or Haglund’s exostosis

Pain in the Achilles tendon can also come from the heel.


There are various possible causes of calf pain. Some of these are:
  • Cramping
  • Injury (pulled muscle)
  • Venous insufficiency
  • Arterial insufficiency
  • Varicose veins
  • Thrombosis in a deep vein
Calf pain that only occurs in the kybun shoe/on the kybun mat may be caused by the following:
  • Initial reaction: In conventional shoes, a normal rollover of the foot was hardly possible. In the kyBoot, the Achilles tendon/calf are stretched during rollover of the foot, which can lead to symptoms such as pain in the calf.
    Tips: 1) Take smaller steps, keep your body upright 2) Perform kybun exercises (interval) 3) Take kyBoot breaks
  • Unstable foot position in the kybun shoe, e.g. twisting to the inside or outside
  • Body posture (bent forward?)
  • Steps too long
  • Other cause/illness: e.g. heel spur, venous insufficiency, circulatory problem (see above)
Unfortunately these causes cannot be addressed through kybun training. Nevertheless, walking in the kybun shoe/standing on the kybun mat can be good for the affected individual and offer relief.

Long-term consequences

Pain in the calf prevents a natural gait.
The affected individual starts limping and therefore automatically puts excessive strain on other joints, for example the foot on the sound side, the knees or the back.

Conventional therapy

  • Regular stretching of the calf musculature
  • Cooling, e.g. with ice
  • Load reduction
  • Relief for the muscle. The basic stress can be relieved by increasing the heel height (only in the short term, otherwise shortening occurs)
  • Rubbing with salves
  • Special bandages
  • Sensorimotor insoles

The kybun principle of operation – being proactive

We recommend wearing the kybun shoe at all times if possible. Wearing the kybun shoe makes a natural rollover of the foot possible, which activates the long muscles of the foot and massively increases blood circulation in the calf muscles and Achilles tendon. Cramping or pain is reduced over time and may even disappear entirely. In case of a pulled calf muscle, substances that cause pain are transported away more quickly and the muscle heals faster.

Initial reactions

Specific initial reactions with calf pain: Your symptoms (pain) may well get worse in the beginning. Try to persevere and only take off the kybun shoe if it gets very uncomfortable. The more often you wear the kybun shoe, the sooner the calf musculature can regenerate. Click here for the general initial reactions experienced by kybun mat and kybun shoe beginners: Initial reactions

kybun exercises

For information about the special kybun shoe exercises or the basic kybun mat exercises , please click here: kybun exercises

Application tips

  • Avoid standing in the kybun shoe/on the kybun mat for long periods of time, and keep moving as much as possible (for standing activities: walk in place)
  • Do not make your steps too long
  • Be sure to maintain an upright body posture
  • Correct the foot position if you notice lateral/medial rolling of the ankle joint
  • Wear the kybun shoe as often as possible. Integrate the kybun mat and kybun shoe into your daily routine
  • If you want to boost the training effect at home, the kybun mat is the ideal training device. Do as much housework as possible on the kybun mat (e.g. ironing)
  • Make sure that your feet (especially the lower leg muscles and ankle joints) are always warm. This promotes blood circulation and the healing process
  • Stretch your calf musculature several times a day (the first time in the morning after getting up, once you have walked for a while)
  • Especially in the morning, the kybun shoe should be worn starting with the first step if possible in order to gently release night time agglutination in the morning
  • Do not try to force anything. If the pain gets worse, give the long muscles of the foot a break and provide relief with the kybun exercises

Opinions/customer testimonials

El calzado kybun combina idealmente tres factores importantes de una marcha sana y cómoda en el calzado: la elasticidad de cada paso, la comodidad (gracias a la forma perfecta y la amplitud del calzado) y un entrenamiento y movimiento sencillos de las extremidades inferiores a través de una marcha regular, gracias al principio del pie inestable. Todos los músculos de las extremidades inferiores y el tronco se fortalecen automáticamente. La inclusión de todos los músculos durante la marcha regular también conduce a un aumento significativo del rendimiento de la "bomba muscular", que tiene un efecto positivo en el sistema venoso y linfático de las extremidades inferiores. Andar con este calzado alivia el dolor crónico de espalda y articulaciones, tiene un efecto positivo en los tendones y ligamentos sobrecargados y, no menos importante, puede reducir la tensión y la presión en las pantorrillas. El uso principal del calzado kybun para mí es caminar sobre suelo duro: ir a trabajar, pasear por la ciudad, turismo, excursiones, etc... Pero también usted se beneficiará en terrenos más suaves. Póngase el calzado kybun y sus pies se lo agradecerán. Además, son sencillamente cómodos...
Desde 2016 he dado 11'606'690 pasos con la suave y elastica suela con colchón de aire del calzado kybun. Con cada uno de mis zapatos, di un promedio de 3.8 millones de pasos.